Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rainy Tuesday

Just a short little blog to feed your hunger for more (since I know my blog is loved so much, by so many)....

The weather here has been absolutely amazing for the past few days! It's been 75+ degrees...perfect for laying out :) But, today it is storming, completely ruining my tanning sessions I had planned to have all week! I figure if I'm gonna get fat, I might as well be tan. My momma always said "fat looks better tan."  So, in that case...Dear Weather, please clear up and get warm again so me and baby can come bask in the sun again!

On another note (speaking of baby)...we are doing just dandy! Our first appointment will be next week (so expect a blog about that-probably me venting about giving blood or something along those lines)!
It's about the size of a raspberry this week and growing fast! Baby has my appetite all kinds of messed up these days! I find myself either a) waiting to eat until something sounds good or b) making myself eat because nothing sounds good at all.  I make dinner every night for Matt to eat alone because it disgusts me!  Meat is on the top of my don't like list...thinking about it, making it, and eating it makes me gag! I made chicken parmesan last night for dinner and by the time it was done I could've died.  I immediately made Matt put it away and opened the back door! It smells terrible! He also had to do the dishes from that meal because I tried twice and gagged! Other than that, the pregnancy is going just fine for me. Matt on the other hand, is not enjoying my scattered emotions.

Casi, Matt, and Peanut

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to hear that Baby-San is doing well, and sad that you're missing out on the joys of food that have meat in it. I can't wait to see the blog after your doc appointment! I miss you and love you and Baby-San soooo much!!

